How Important Is Website Optimization To Meet Google Ranking?

How Important Is Website Optimization To Meet Google Ranking?

Google has become an important part of our daily lives. No matter what product or service we need or where we need to go, we tend to rely on Google for the required information.

Whether it is completing your college project or finding directions to your destination, Google has become the source to our necessities. Having said that, people also refer to the internet, especially Google, to evaluate brands before actually purchasing the service or product. Therefore, it is important to mark a strong and positive online presence and improve your Google ranking to increase your visibility.

To boost your online presence you can avail the best SEO services in Kolkata and optimize your website.

Given below are some factors important for Google ranking that might help you understand why you should optimize your website.


In today’s advanced world, mobiles and smart gadgets have become quite like a body part. Functioning without a mobile or smart gadget has become quite difficult, especially for the millennials. Nevertheless, this dependency has brought forward an opportunity for brands to engage their potential customers online. Since they are quite hooked onto their smart gadgets and the internet, grabbing the attention has become quite convenient if the marketing strategies are executed properly.

That being said, it is thus very important to make your website mobile-friendly or rather mobile-compatible in order to make accessing your website convenient for the mobile users. For this, make sure your website has mobile responsive designs that adheres to the algorithm of Google.

High quality content

As much important content is, its quality plays a very important role in order to rank higher on Google. The quality of your website and your blog content is quite important. Make sure that the content you are bringing forth for the users are valuable, informative, relatable and provides insights to the customers. With the update in Google algorithm, pages with no valuable content can be the reason behind your website failure.

Thus, when developing content there are certain factors that you should keep in mind such as –

  • Choice of words
  • Keyword research
  • Keywords proximity and frequency
  • Source of information
  • Tone of writing
  • Freshness of the content

Along with the quality of content, the presentation also plays an important role. Unless you present your content in an attractive way, you are more likely to drive your readers away.

Page speed

With the minimal attention span of customers today, the loading speed of your page can make or break your deal. The slower your website is the faster you will repel your customers and increase your bounce rate. You can get in touch with the best website designing company in Kolkata to deal with your page speed issue and reduce your bounce rate.

Along with the page speed, the page experience also matters. It is upon you to make sure that your viewers do not find your website complicated and confusing. Have an easy navigation system to ensure a semantic user experience and to help your users navigate through your pages conveniently so that the dwell time of your site increases and your Google rankings improve.


Internal and external linking is quite important for Google ranking. You can avail the best SEO services in Kolkata to improve the linking on your site to boost your website. Linkings are a great way to support your on-page and off-page optimizations. Create backlinks to drive more customers on your website. This will not only increase your dwell time but will also boost your clientele.

Having said that, be very careful when adding links to your site. Any mistake can damage your reputation and you might lose potential customers, thus leading to lesser conversions.

Along with the above points, you should also focus on local listings and local SEO as it helps in reaching potential customers effectively and also increases your Google rankings. Always remember, when it comes to marketing there are certain factors that you need to keep in mind such as your target audience.

Identifying your target audience requires you to focus on the location and other factors such as occupation, purchase habit demographic details and more. However, choosing not to invest in local marketing can actually make your money go to waste. On the other hand, local SEO services will give you just the right exposure and will help you attract the attention of potential customers to increase your sales. You can get in touch with a local PPC agency in Kolkata to make use of paid campaigns and boost your brand locally.

Having said that, keep the above factors in mind to improve your website optimisation and meet your Google ranking requirements.

For professional help, you can get in touch with us today. We can help you with smart web designs and development and strategic digital marketing plans to enhance your online presence, attract customers and increase your conversions.